A certain amount of hair shed is normal in both males and females. On average, a person loses between 50 and 100 hairs a day. The hair sheds as part of its natural cycle, which means that seeing hairs in the shower or on a hairbrush is not usually a cause for concern.
If you’ve been noticing more hairs on your pillow or hairbrush than normal, you may worry that you have hair loss. When the body sheds significantly more hairs every day, a person has excessive hair shedding or hair thinning.
The most common causes of hair thinning include:
Harsh hair-care products
Hairstyles or actions that pull on the hair
Hereditary hair loss
Aging and hormonal changes
Immune system overreacts
Some drugs and treatments
If you have hair thinning issue, your hair will not grow until the cause stops. Most healthy people have between 80,000 and 120,000 hairs on their head. According to a study published in 2018 suggested that approximately 40% women experience excessive hair shedding when styling their hair, which includes brushing and washing it. Chemical dyes, heated curlers and straighteners, and excessive hair brushing can all lead to extra hair shedding or breaks in the hair.

Hairstyles that pull hair very tight such as ponytails, buns, extensions, and braids – can cause too much stress on the roots, pulls on the hair follicle, and creates hair breakage that requires new hair growth to fix. Extreme tension in the scalp muscles and restricted blood flow may also contribute to hair loss.

Follow these tips from dermatologists to help style your hair without causing damage.
Dry your hair by wrapping it in a towel after a shower or bath. Another alternative is letting your hair air-dry.
Most people should handle wet hair as little as possible as wet hair breaks more easily when combed or brushed. However, people with tightly curled or textured hair should brush their hair when wet to decrease the chances of hair breakage.
Keep brushing to minimum. Brushing your hair 100 strokes each day can cause split ends. A wide-toothed comb should be in your toolkit to pull conditioning products through your hair in the shower, and for the first step in after-shower care. And in general, be aware of how you might absent-mindedly touch your hair, and try not to pull, twist, or rub it.
Reduce the use of “long-lasting hold” styling products. Using a comb to style your hair after you apply the product can cause the hair to break and can lead to hair loss over time.
Allow your hair to partially air dry before you style or comb. Decreasing the number of times per week that you blow dry also helps limit damage.
Flat irons should be used on dry hair on a low or medium heat setting, no more often than every other day. If you use a curling iron, only leave it in place for a second or two. No matter your hair type, excessive heat can damage your hair.
Keep it loose. Avoid hairstyles that require extreme tension, and go easy on rubber bands, clips and barrettes.
Special Note!
Eat well. Maintain a well-balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of zinc and protein.
Relax. Stress reduction will do you a world of good, and your whole body, not just your scalp will thank you.
But if you’re experiencing significantly more hair loss than usual, we encourage you to consult your dermatologist to see what it might be all about.